ITA - MadreProject è ideata dall’organizzazione non profit Terzo Paesaggio che realizza progetti di rigenerazione urbana a base culturale, sviluppata e promossa in partnership con Avanzi S.p.A. Società Benefit, che si occupa di sostenibilità e innovazione urbana, a|cube incubatore certificato e acceleratore di idee e business ad alto valore sociale, culturale ed ambientale e con la preziosa guida del maestro panificatore Davide Longoni, padre dei moderni fornai, che coltiva cereali nei campi di Milano Vettabbia/ Chiaravalle, co-fondatore del movimento P.A.U. Panificatori Agricoli Urbani.
ENG - MadreProject is conceived by the non-profit organisation Terzo paesaggio which carries out cultural-based urban regeneration projects, developed and promoted in partnership with Avanzi S.p.A. Benefit company, which deals with sustainability and urban innovation, a|cube certified incubator and accelerator of ideas and businesses with high social, cultural and environmental value and with the precious guidance of master baker Davide Longoni, father of modern bakers, who grows cereals in the fields of Milan Vettabbia / Chiaravalle, co-founder of the P.A.U. Urban Agricultural Bakers.
MadreProject is a choral project born as part of the Civic Crowdfunding of the city of Milan. It reached and exceeded the collection goal in just one month of the campaign in 2021.
MadreProject is a choral project born as part of the Civic Crowdfunding of the city of Milan. It reached and exceeded the collection goal in just one month of the campaign in 2021.
Madre Project & Terzo Paesaggio: Pensare con il Pane, Pane & Territorio
Public Program Madre Project & Terzo Paesaggio / Workshops
Madre Project "La Scuola del Pane e dei Luoghi" / Campus 1 e 2
Madre Project & Panificatori Agricoli Urbani / "Pane e Territorio"
Photo Gallery / Moments